Gymster by Carl Hock

Carl Hock from the greater Houston, Texas area has been developing a nice indoor/outdoor design called the Gymster. The design has been evolving over a several year period. During this period Carl has been exploring the world of 3D printing. The Gymster V presented here is a compilation of the things he has learned about the design and his growing experience with developing 3D printed model airplane parts.

To make sure the plan  and parts packages can be printed on all generally available printers they has been set up to print on 8 1/2 by 14 inch sheets of paper (U.S. Legal Size).  Along with the Adobe PDF file that contains the plan and building notes, a zip file is also provided that contains the 3D models for the parts that are 3D printed. The 3D print files are in the stereo lithography (STL) file format. It is important to note that you should have any print scaling (print to fit printer margins for example) turned off when printing the content of the provided Adobe PDF file. Click here to download the plan and notes file (2.3 mb). Click here to download the zip file containing the 3D printed parts STL files (1.16 mb),



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All drawing not identified as coming from another source copyright 2002-2016, Paul Bradley, All rights reserved

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